- Introduction, replication and robustness (Exercise on Mon., 16.8., 12:30)
- Motivation
- Is workflow obvious? Consistency. Reproducibility.
- Replicability. Structure of a paper.
- Aims of statistical data analysis. Making the analysis reproducible. Interaction with coauthors.
- Documentation I (Exercise on Tue., 17.8., 12:30)
- Literate programming, Weaving and tangling
- An example with Rnw, R and LaTeX.
- Why markup languages? An example with R-Markdown.
- Documentation II (Exercise on Wed., 18.8., 12:30)
- Chunks. How to include results.
- Practical issues. Tables. Alternatives.
- Version control (Motivation)
- Documentation III (Exercise on Thu., 19.8., 12:30)
- Version control with git. Non-linear work.
- Concurrent edits. Limitations.
- Version control - practicalities.
- Organising work (Exercise on Fri., 20.8., 12:30)
- Scripting. Robustness.
- Functions. Calcuations that take a lot of time. Randomness. Exploiting structure.
- Human readable scripts. Debugging. Structure in Models. Results of functions.
Please choose a chapter: