It is often convenient to integrate the presentation of the stimulus (see 3.0.1) and the evaluation of the response (see 3.0.1) into a single script.
The following example shows how this can be done.
<html> <body> <? function store ($verse) { echo "Thank you for contributing<P>"; $fd = fopen ("verse.txt","a"); fwrite($fd,"$verse\n"); fclose ($fd); } function show_verse ($vers,$todo) { echo "<h4>Please complete the following poem:</h4> $vers...<BR> <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=$SCRIPT_NAME> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=VERSE SIZE=30> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=TODO VALUE=\"$todo\"> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Fertig\"> </FORM>"; } if ($VERSE) store ($VERSE); if (!$VERSE) show_verse ("To run o'er better waters hoists its sail<BR> The little vessel of my genius now,<BR> That leaves behind itself a sea so cruel;", "1"); ?> </body> </html>
The example first defines two functions that would either store the information (store ()) or generate the stimulus ( show_verse). The the variable $VERSE decides which action to take. If $VERSE is defined then apparently the script is called for the second time and $VERSE has to be stored. If, however, $VERSE is not defined then the stimulus stil has to be generated.