Oliver Kirchkamp

Seminar Quantitative Economics Summer 2017

Thursdays, 14:15-15:45, SR 318.
The purpose of this seminar is to attempt to replicate and to discuss critally existing, published research. The focus of the seminar is on the replication of empirical results. This should give you the opportunity to participate in the current economic debate.
Choice of the paper you want to replicate:
  • Two participants can not work on the same paper. Furthermore, no participant can take a paper that has already been discussed in this seminar.
  • Papers are published during the last six years and make an empirical statement.
  • Journals are classified as A or A+ according to this list.
  • You are able to obtain the original data for this paper. This is easy if the paper is based on data which is publicly available. Several good journals require authors to provide the data for their article. Otherwise, you may have to send the author a polite email.
You should also find the topic interesting. Furthermore, it really helps if you have a brief look at the structure of the data before you finally choose a paper.
The language for this seminar will be English.
Basic knowledge in empirical work and statistics; interest in scientific work.
Formal requirements:
This seminar is open to Bachelor and Master students. Please consult your examination regulations.
  • One week before the first session all participants send me a brief email, explaining which article they have selected for replication. Until then participants have made sure that they can obtain the data that is needed for replication.
  • In the first session all participants will briefly present the article they have selected for replication. (What is the underlying research question, what is the main result, what is your replication strategy.)
  • During the following sessions of the seminar individual progress will be presented and discussed.
  • In the sixth session participants will present their intermediate results as a poster in A3 format. (here is a summary of the slides I have used in the seminar).
  • Four weeks before the last session participants will present their results as an essay of about 1500 words (+/- 10%, formulae, tables and bibliography do not count). For this essay, keep in mind some remarks that might help you in the preparation of your essay and your presentation
  • During the last four weeks of the term each participant will present his or her results
All assignments count for your grade (This includes presentation of own research as well as discussion of the research of the other students).
  • As seminar BW24.3 for Bachelor students;
  • As seminar MW24.4 for Master students in Economics.
We expect advanced achievements and skills from students in advanced study programs.

Students who miss a session due to health reasons (or any other reason) can present a certificate from their GP within three days, otherwise this session will count as a “fail” (5). To pass the seminar, students participate (in a constructive way) in at least 70% of the sessions.