Procedures for running experiments in Jena:
- For the University Lab experimenters participate in a formal introduction to the lab before using the lab.
Rules for experiments
Experiments in Jena should obey the following set of rules:- Grundsätze fur den Betrieb des Experimentallabors in Raum E53 ― This is a set of rules for the University lab.
- “General Rules for the use of the ESI Laboratories” and
- “Informal Guidelines for running experiments”
Please also read the user documentation before running your experiment.
Brown Bag
All experimenters present their experiment in a brown bag seminar (usually on Wednesday afternoons). All people who plan to use the lab attend these seminars on a regular basis. The purpose of the brown bag seminar is to find out whether the experiment can proceed as presented or whether changes are necessary. Since the devil is often in the detail the presentation is expected to be very clear. Normally people send the instructions to the experiment around before the seminar.The brown bag should also allow us to somehow assess IRB clearance. I am working on this.
Recruiting is done via ORSEE.Read the documentation for ORSEE. Please do your first steps in the Jena ORSEE with somebody who has already some experience. We have to treat our subject pool with care. When you send around invitations, start small. For one session, send invitations to 100 people and see what happens. If too few register, send another 100 invitations. Do not invite too many people. They will be frustrated if they can not register anyway. Next time they will not even try.
When you plan your own experiments, you should book lab time over ORSEE. Also for testing, maintenance, etc., you have to book lab time. Leave enough time before and after your experiment to organise things and to clean up.
If you use ORSEE participants (and most likely you will) you will find that some of them have already signed the rules. Those who have not, have to do this before they start with the experiment. You have to update the status for these participants in ORSEE so that we know that now they have signed.
Some participants have already passed a language test. Those who have not can pass the test at the beginning of the experiment (takes only 2 minutes). You have to update the status for these participants in ORSEE so that we know that they understand German.
Subscribe to the wiwilab List to manage cancellations for your experiment!
If you restrict your participants to those who speak German, you should mention this fact in your invitation to the experiment.
Here is a possible text for the invitation:
Hallo #fname# #lname#! Hiermit möchten wir Sie zu einem neuen Experiment einladen. Es stehen die folgenden Termine zur Auswahl: #sessionlist# - Um teilnehmen zu können und um die Spielregeln des Experiments zu verstehen, sollten Sie Deutsch so gut sprechen wie Ihre Muttersprache. - Das Experiment findet im Labor der Wiwi Fakultät in der Carl-Zeiss-Str. 2/3, Raum E53 statt. Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, können Sie sich unter dem folgenden Link anmelden: #link#
If you want an own account, please have a look a the requirements